My role with the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association is
workforce development coordinator. So what I need to do is listen to our
membership, and when I hear that there are so many in demand technician
positions out there in industry, we need to really work together to come
up with a solution to fill those positions. So there are five community
colleges in New Hampshire that offer automotive pathways. And the
Community College System of New Hampshire offers all of these different
programs to students. Working with industry to create a connection-- So
the students that start in these college programs get connected with a
job, co-op, or sponsored by a dealership. So that as they're going
through their school, they're also really getting that hands on authentic
industry training. And our members also recognize that it takes a
significant industry by and also to support these programs. So whether
that's through attending advisory boards for the program's, doting
resources, vehicles, engines, or just providing a place that a student
can do a co-op or an internship, they're investing in the future of their
Right now, our whole country but New Hampshire specifically, is
struggling to find enough workers to fill all of these empty positions.
And people know that they can rely on our graduates to be strong
employees and skilled workers, that they're lining up to hire them before
they've even completed their certificate. For example, the LPN students,
our first cohort, every single person had a job before they even