A Culinary Journey Begins with Early College
Meet Jessy Wood, a home-schooled student who will earn her Associate Degree in Culinary Arts before she graduates high school. This video highlights Jessy’s journey and introduces Chef Kayla Harper, Associate Professor of Culinary Arts & Early College Faculty Partner.
Hi my name is Chef Kayla Harper I'm one of the instructors here at Lakes Region Community College. I'm here with one of my students. Brian who is a high school student at Laconia High School, and he's taking an early college class, which is a college level class taught either at LRCC or through a high school instructor, or CTE instructor. Where do you see yourself going up at us?
I'd like to work in some nice restaurants, maybe open my own. My favorite part about taking class here at Lakeside Community College is the hands on experience. How the chef's push me to be better, and only best, you know, I'm not really worried that better but
Hi, my name is Jessie Wood. I am 16 years old. I'm homeschooled and I am in my second year here at the LRCC's culinary arts program. I'm doing the early college so I'm getting high school in college credits so I'll graduate with my associates degree before I even graduate high school
My name is Brian Desdo l and I chose Community.
My name is Jesse Wood and I chose Community.